Wednesday 16 August 2017

The Essential Guide to Blog Flipping

The Essential Guide to Blog Flipping
Learn How To Develop Your First Blog and Then Flip It For Profit!

'From coming up with an idea through to installing Wordpress, choosing a theme, selling your blog and then transferring it over to the new owner, this is the essential guide to blog flipping.'

Unless you've been living in a cave, then the chances are you've heard of the term 'flipping.' Essentially, this is when you build some kind of online asset - be it a blog, website, plugin, etc. - and then sell it on to a new owner (or 'flip' it.)

This is a business model that's been around for years - but don't make the mistake of thinking that it's a stale method that no longer works. People all around the world are still creating great profits through flipping, although it can sometimes be a tricky world if you don't know what you're doing.

Fancy making a quick profit without doing much work? The blog flipping probably ISN'T for you.

Make no mistake about it. Being a successful flipper requires quite a lot of work - but it can also be a lot of fun too as you create a valuable asset, nurture it, watch it grow and then turn it into profit.

You don't have to wait years before you sell of course. Many people specialize in building blogs and flipping them straight away for quick profit, however, most would agree that a longer-term strategy can generate more profit.

Here's a taster of what you'll learn inside:

+ How to flip a blog... from doing research, setting up Wordpress and finally transferring it over to the new owner, it's all here.
+ Ideas for coming up with a great niche/topic. Hint: You don't necessarily need to think outside the box too much.
+ Why choosing the right theme is so important - and how to do it.
+ How to make your blog irresistible to buyers (It's all about including things that make it as desirable as possible)
+ Why content is king - and the main options to consider for filling your blog with juicy content.
+ How to generate traffic to your blog.
+ What you should include in your Flippa listing for maximum results.
+ ... and much more!

$2.25 USD
Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.